File search using exclusions only?

Apology for not knowing the right terminology here. I have thousands of photo files where I have marked some of them with _g.jpg or _vg.jpg and I am struggling to set up a "find" or search function that displays results that ARE NOT marked as such. So I think it is an exclusion? I have not been able to get anything working in Directory Opus.
My goal to find all files that are NOT marked with _g.jpg and/or _vg.jpg in a set of folders. I'm trying to organize the files. I hope this does not seem too crazy and I love this tool!

If using wildcards, ~(*_g.jpg|*_vg.jpg) would match everything except those two suffixes.

(Make sure Partial Matching is turned off, too.)

Thank you! I will try it! Ah the syntax of it all....

That worked but now I have a case sensitive issue i.e. I have used both _g and _G, _vg and _VG and I cannot catch the upper case ones. Is there a way to do this? I tried ~(_g.jpg|_vg.jpg|_G.jpg|_VG.jpg) but that does not work for me

The Filter Bar is never case-sensitive. But you can do that via Tools > Find Files, for example.

(See Editing & Formatting Tips for how to avoid problems with * characters in your posts.)

Bless you and thanks for such a great tool!

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