File Selection Behaviour Needs To Be Changed (In My Opinion)

Thanks for the update. This is much better. One thing that never ceases to amaze me about DOpus is the excellent level of support on this forum and also the speedy response to an identified problem.

I'm half way through my 2 month trial and I've already decided that I will purchase DOpus when the trial has expired. This is not only due to the fact that it is the best file manager I have ever seen, but also to the excellent support provided.

I've consistently used a third party file manager since Windows 95. Despite the spin we get about how much better Vista's Explorer is, I think MS has actually outdone themselves, and gone backwards once again. It's terrible! All I can say is that you guys are going to be in business forever, because the feeble attempts at a file manager that get dished up with Windows make a product like DOpus mandatory.

Keep up the good work.