File size display?

I would like file size in listers to display as, for example, 94.208 instead of 92 KB. I know there MUST be a way to do this, but I'll be darned if I can find it in settings. Can someone point me in the right direction, or isn't it possible?

You need to add the Size (bytes) column in place of the current one.

Quickest way to do this is to right-click the column header and select General -> Size (bytes).

If you want to make the change permanent then you should apply the change to all of your Folder Formats. See the Folder Formats FAQ for more information.

You can also make a button which toggles the Size column between different modes for the current lister:

Set COLUMNSTOGGLE=sizeauto(1)

I use that because the "auto" column is usually best (for me) but sometimes I need to see the exact sizes instead.