I found only the option "Blend File Selection Rectangle" to change its opacity. But I can't find an option, looking for "rectangle", or "selection", to change the color of this rectangle. With my color config, the rectangle is barely visible. Would be nice if I could choose a color instead of that grey + opacity.
I probably missed the option ? Could someone please tell me where I can find that.
Try Preferences > Display > Colors and Fonts > Files and Folders
Choose colors on the right side of the panel for files and folders, respectively.
If you mean the rectangle you get when dragging with the mouse:
Then that is drawn using the system color COLOR_HIGHLIGHT, which it looks like you're using something to change to a dark grey? COLOR_HIGHLIGHT should be a color that has good contrast with your chosen background colors, if you're going to modify it.
(FWIW, Windows itself seems to be slightly different, and uses COLOR_HIGHLIGHT for the border of that rectangle and COLOR_HOTLIGHT for the inside of it.)
Well yes that's the "Selection Rectangle" (that's how it's called in the Preferences) I was indeed talking about.
So it's not a parameter within Dopus Colors and Fonts. But it's coming from Windows itself. That's surprising. Now I understand why I couldn't find the option
Well all right. Thanks. I'm gonna look for a way to change COLOR_HIGHLIGHT / HOTLIGHT options in Windows then
Yep. In the default Windows Explorer, selection rectangle looks better. With a bright 1 pixel line around. Not sure I find the option anywhere. COLOR_HIGHLIGHT doesn't seem to exist in the registry... I might just darken a bit Dopus' File Display Background color. Good enough workaround I guess.
It’s also possible that the color is fine/normal and you’ve set the opacity really low kn Opus’s color blending Preferences page.
Well the color is a gray. That's the problem. I would have like the rectangle selection to be blue, orange, anything else than gray. I changed the opacity to be able to see it. But that's about all I could find. Not sure where this COLOR_HIGHLIGHT can be found in Windows. A few google searches didn't help much.
No worries, it's just cosmetics, not the end of the world It's just too bad nearly everything can be revamped in Dopus UI but that.
Are you using a tool that modifies the normal Windows colors?
(FWIW, we're working on overhauling the color settings in Opus, so we should be able to make these configurable independent of the Windows colors in future. But the defaults are blue on every version of Windows I can think of.)
Oh blue. Right, that's what I remembered. I wasn't sure anymore.
I reinstalled Windows 11 yesterday so... hm.. lemme check. I might indeed have done something.
All right, I found the culprit : https://www.startallback.com/
Very useful little tool to customize Windows' 11 taskbar. And luckily I remembered having ticked yesterday an option in StartAllBack > Explorer > Make it top notch > Colorize Everything with Accent Color.
I just unticked that option and now the Selection Rectangle is back to blue.
Cool But it also means that there's a way to change that color. And this little app can do it. Curious to know how.
We should be able to make these configurable independent of the Windows colors in future
That sounds exciting. Customizing UIs came to most Windows apps now. And it's a very enjoyable trend on the user side.
Anyway. Back to "normal" blue. It's already better. Thanks for your help.