FileType New txt

This is probably a long shot but have there been any issues with the command

FileType NEW .txt

In Windows 10 Pro?

I'm using Opus 12.3 and have used that FileType command for years in my other computers to create 0 byte text files but in this brand new 2 day old Windows 10 Pro machine nothing happens. And not just for txt files, no new text based files can be created such as html, js, bat, cmd and so on.

I've compared file types and file handlers between my Windows 7 machine (where everything works) with my new Windows 10 machine and everything looks the same. Even wandered into regedit to see if I could see any differences but I find none.

Anyone have any thoughts?
Thanks in advance.

No issues reported in the forum, or on my own machines.

If you try in Explorer, does New > Text Document work there?

Thanks Leo. I looked in Explorer but it doesn't have a create New text file in the context menu. There are create new Microsoft office files, a new contact, and a new folder but that's it in Explorer.

I mainly wanted to make sure there wasn't a known bug somewhere Opus. So I'll keep trying to figure out what's wrong here. So far I've uninstalled/reinstalled text editors, deleted then recreated file types for text but nothing changes.

This is probably going to end up being one of those problems that leaves me with a red face once I get to the bottom of it.

Sounds like something's deleted the "new" handler for .txt files. This is what the default settings look like:

Ah ha!! That's exactly what it was Jon! There was no ShellNew handler for .txt files, once I created it in the registry everything works now.

Just double checked my Windows 7 machine and sure enough ShellNew was in that one, before I had obviously missed seeing it in a subfolder for .txt files.

Many thanks to you and Leo. :slight_smile: This one really had me banging my head against the wall for the past several hours and the wife was getting tired of all the noise, yelling and crying.