Fileview no more updates


I just recently got this problem (perhaps since updating to the latest version)
but I get this problem now :

The file-display no longer updates. In other words, when there's en encoding program running and I have the output folder shown in DO, previously i could see (on the statusbar) the file growing bigger and bigger.

Now all of a sudden, I have to do a refresh (F5).

Could someone point me to what option is involved please ?

See the FAQ on diagnosing what's gone wrong.

Well, I followed the steps using Debugview, and it looks like dopus is seeing the changes, unfortunatelly it doesn't react to them. :cry:
dopus.txt (11.5 KB)

It seems to work fine now, at least on the partition I'm following.
Thanks for the fast help !

Well, this is weird. On partition K: it's working fine as it should.

Unfortunatelly, on partition R, it's doing nothing. DO doesn't even update when I create a new directory !?! :angry: :frowning:

What does the debug log show for the drive which doesn't work?

What kind of drive and filesystem is your R-drive? (Network? Windows? Linux/Samba/NAS? NTFS? FAT?)

Any junctions involved or similar?


[quote="leo"]What does the debug log show for the drive which doesn't work?

What kind of drive and filesystem is your R-drive? (Network? Windows? Linux/Samba/NAS? NTFS? FAT?)

Any junctions involved or similar?


Hi Leo,

It seem to have started working correctly after enabling the debuglog.
R partition is a normal Windows XP NTFS partition.

Now all of a sudden it seems to work, but it I don't know if it will not revert to non-reactive.


I just had to ask that now it doesn't update again sigh.

I'm on drive I, I execute a program on this drive which creates a new file, and once again, DO doesn't update the screen.

Please, what am I doing wrong ?

With notify_debug = True, DebugView doesn't show any change either :frowning:

If you get into a situation where Opus isn't seeing changes, and the nofity_debug stuff isn't printing anything out either, please run both Explorer and Process Monitor on the same path and see if they detect any changes.

If none of the programs see the changes then the problem must be the OS, filesystem, drivers, etc.

If only one of the programs sees the changes then that would be interesting and we could investigate what that program is doing which is different to the other two. If Opus doesn't see changes but the other two programs do then that also tells us something, although it's still difficult to know which direction to investigate when we have no way of reproducing the issue.