Film strip icon in thumbnail/image view

Renetly all my video icons in DOPUS thumbnail/image view lost their film strip representation on the sides of the icon looking basically like a pic/photo icon.

One folder seems to have regained the filmstrup "overlay" but the others seem to still lack them.
Is there a setting to restore the filmstrip representaion for all videos in thumbnail/imager view?

Configure the Movie plugin (Preferences / Viewer / Plugins) and enable its option to generate thumbnails, and the sprockets should come back.

It was turned off by default in 12.4 as it was triggering a bug introduced in the Windows 10 update that crashed a lot of video-related software. The bug should be fixed in Windows now so it's probably safe to turn it back on. Of course, if you see instability afterwards, try turning it off again.

(When it is off, thumbnails are generated by Windows instead of the Movie plugin.)