I want to create a filter to display images with no Exif DateTimeOriginal, but the Command Arguments I need do not exist.
I know I can use 'Find', but the results are displayed in a collection. Recreating folder structure is essential to most of the work I do, but I can't move or copy files from a collection AND recreate folder structure.
Another thing I want a filter for is finding very short Movie files up to 4 seconds durations. Again, no command arguments exist for that.
I can sort and/or group using Flat View No Folders, but takes much too long for the volume of files I work with.
By the way, there are often scanned files in a client's collection that do not have an Exif DateTimeOriginal, but a 'Date Taken' is displayed because the file has an Exif ModifyDate, so working with 'Date Taken' won't find those files.
Is it possible to create commands/filters for either Exif DateTimeOriginal or Movie Duration?
If the criteria you need works with Find / Advanced, you can use the same filters with the Select command and make it hide things that don't match the filter.
Thank you. The criteria I need does work with Find/Advanced - which I don't want to use because the results are in a collection.
I have used the Select command for a couple of other things, but I can't find arguments (I hope that's the correct word) for what I need: Exif DateTimeOriginal for one, and Movie duration for another.
Thank you.
I tried 2 methods, and both worked, but at first I didn't think either was working because there was a 'Not Responding' message:
for several minutes.
To help others, I will describe how I did this:
I created and saved a Filter using Find / Advanced.
I opened the folder (and its sub folders) I wanted to search in Flat View, No Folders.
In the 'Edit' menu I chose 'Select by Pattern':
Then I used the drop-down menu to select the Filter I had created:
I clicked 'Apply'.
Nothing seemed to be happening for several minutes, but eventually the files I wanted selected were displayed.
I also created a command and used it in a button in the 'Edit' menu
I opened the folder (and its sub folders) I wanted to search in Flat View, No Folders.
From the 'Edit' menu, I clicked the button/menu item I had created for that command:
Again, nothing seemed to be happening for several minutes, but eventually the files I wanted selected were displayed.