Finally successully removed OneDrive from Windows 10

I had removed OneDrive from my Microsoft Account
But it kept appearing in Dopus Libraries Documents
Finally found OneD
![2024-09-07_081547 deleted OneDrive|150x500]
rive and deleted it.

OneDrive is not in Dopus, except at the bottom under Libraries (empty)


not in prior post

Opus is showing you what's on your hard drive.
If you have a OneDrive folder (as it obviously is the case), then yes, Opus will show it to you, as File Explorer will do, as a DOS dir command will do, as your browser will do (if you enter the url file://c:/Users/johna/), as any other file explorer will do.
That does not mean OneDrive is part of Dopus.
EDIT : One last thing regarding

Libraries are not part of Opus neither, it's a windows thing.