Find & replace in Favourites to replace part of shortcuts path


I have a lot of shortcuts in my favourites and now we changed an entire root folder name on the server and now I have a long list of shortcuts that I have to change.
I'm searching but can't find if there is a possibility of doing a find replace for favourites?

  1. Click in the location field and type /dopusdata and hit return.
  2. Double-click the ConfigFiles folder.
  3. Locate the favorites.ofv file and open it in Notepad or another text editor.
  4. Exit Opus completely (File -> Exit) so that it is no longer running.
  5. Edit the favorites file in the text editor as desired, then save it.
  6. Quit the text editor and restart Opus.
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pretty much what @Jon said.

I've have to do this a few time. Notepad++'s Find and Replace in Files is great and simple tool.

back up your config first, always.

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Wow, I knew there must be a way, it is the best file manager ever devised after all !
Thank you Jon, much appreciated!

thank you as well :wink:

you're welcome.

Dopus is truly a gem!

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