Flat-View Toolbar

Directory Opus 9 users: There's a slightly enhanced version of the toolbar for you, two posts down.

When I want to work with Opus's Flat View mode I flick on this toolbar (via a button in my main toolbar). It provides the standard Flat View buttons as well as a couple of extra related commands.

I find being able to click open a toolbar with these functions on works better than using a sub-menu or right-click menu since I often want to use several of the commands in a short period of time, then not use them for a relatively long time afterwards.

This is command, which I have on my main toolbar, to toggle the toolbar on and off:

Toolbar NAME=Nudel-FlatView STATE=right LINE=0 TOGGLE LOCAL

Here's the toggle button as XML so you can paste it directly onto your toolbar. (Copy the contents of the Code box into your clipboard, enter Customize mode in Opus, right-click an empty part of your toolbar and select Paste.)

<?xml version="1.0"?> <button display="both" effect="saturate" label_pos="right"> <label>Flat View Bar</label> <icon1>190</icon1> <function type="normal"> <instruction>Toolbar NAME=Nudel-FlatView STATE=right LINE=0 TOGGLE LOCAL</instruction> </function> </button>
On the toolbar itself:

The top button closes the toolbar (same as clicking the toggle button on my main toolbar again).

The first 4 items are standard commands:

Off turns Flat View off, making the lister go back to normal.

Mixed turns Flat View on, showing all items as if they were in one big directory.

No Folders is liked Mixed except it hides the items for folders.

Grouped shows folder contents below their parent folders, indented, like a tree. (As shown in the screenshot.)

The other 3 items are non-standard:

Location toggles the Location field as the first column. This is useful in Mixed and No Folders modes as it lets you see where each item really is.

Description toggles the Description field as the last column. Since Flat View can often leave you viewing thousands of files it is sometimes a good idea to turn off the Description field so that all those files don't get inspected.

The Files button will sort Files above Folders when left-clicked and goes back to the usual Folders above Files order when right-clicked.
Nudel-FlatView.zip (1.07 KB)

If you want the Close button at the top of the toolbar to also turn off Flat View (so you can close the toolbar and turn off Flat View in a single click), replace it with this button:

<?xml version="1.0"?> <button display="both" label_pos="left" separate="yes"> <label>Flat View</label> <icon1>6</icon1> <function type="normal"> <instruction>Toolbar NAME=Nudel-FlatView CLOSE LOCAL</instruction> <instruction>Set FLATVIEW=Off</instruction> </function> </button>

Here's a minor update to the toolbar for Opus 9 users:

[ul][li]Changed the Close icon to use the alternative delete icon, as the new default delete icon in Opus 9 is unsuitable.[/li]
[li]The Close button turns off Flat View as well as closing the toolbar (as per my post directly above).[/li]
[li]The Off button has been removed.[/li]
[li]The Mixed, No Folders and Grouped buttons are now toggles, so if you want to turn Flat View off without closing the toolbar you just click the indented button.[/li][/ul]
Nudel-FlatView-Opus9.zip (760 Bytes)