Not sure, if it's intended, but i would expect any floating toolbar to be bound to the main program window. I don't think, this is a bug, though.
Isn't not being bound to a lister the whole point of a floating toolbar?
It depends. In my case, i have a floating toolbar to set various status icons and colors. On my other two desktops that toolbar won't do anything, when i click on the buttons. But maybe there are scenarios, where the floaters behave differently, even though i'm not sure what that would be.
My floating toolbar contains all Lister-independent buttons, mostly launchers for Layouts, Tabgroups, Files, Folders, URLs, ...
In that case it makes sense, i agree. For me, i use them to avoid my fixed toolbars being too crowded.
Consider setting up toolbars for specific use cases to display only the buttons you need at that moment.
Yes, maybe i will make another floating toolbar. By the way, i have no toolbars at all in my regular lister, only the favorites bar. I use hotkeys for almost all actions. I have two fixed special toolbars, which i can toggle on, for special use cases, and the floating one.
And as i played around with the one, this thread was about, i maybe found a bug. I had that toolbar renamed to a two part name, like 'Icon Floating', because my previous hotkey to toggle it appeared to be broken. So i tested around a bit, with no success - the floating bar wouldn't toggle. I then put the name in two ", like
Toolbar NAME="Icon Floating" State=Floating TOGGLE
Which also didn't work well (toggled it off, but not on again). Then changed the hotkey to Win-Alt-J, as my older Ctrl-F12 hotkey maybe clashed with a hotkey from another application, and after that, as i wanted to re-edit the command, the whole Win-Alt-J combination had disappered alltogether from the Keys settings. Also no conflict is listed. Very strange.
Try STATE=float
By the way, why is the search and filter bar don't work on floating transparent toolbar?
Oh, sorry, i actually had State=float, so that wasn't the reason.
Try appending UPDATE