Focused item gets selected, but why?

Hello! o)

I have a focused item and another item that is selected. Now I run "delete quiet" via the quick command bar (just to exclude side effects from scripts, filetypes, buttons) and the selected item will be gone as expected, but the focused item will end up being selected afterwards. This does not seem to happen on a stock config. "No selection" afterwards is the behaviour I'd like to get back. I searched settings and things, but I have no idea what could be causing this.

Do you? o) Thx!

Do you have Preferences / File Operations / Deleting Files / Automatically select next file after deleting turned on?

Yes, on my setup. On the stock DO it is not enabled, but I can see how that affects some of what I'm seeing. Thank you.

But it seems my first try to investigate was totally wrong. My actual irritation comes from folders being selected, after I "copy move" files into them by left-mouse. The weird: It does only happen on drive D:, and only in the drives root. Wtf? o)

I have "All files and folders" -> "DragNDrop + Ctrl" setup to do "Copy MOVE" instead of "Copy MOVEWHENSAME" if that's relevant. Whenever I (left mouse) drag a file into a folder in the root of drive D:, that folder will end up selected (unexpected). It does not happen on C: or T: or whatever. If I use right-mouse drag and popup-menu to move the file, the folder will not be selected afterwards (as expected).

If I change the filetype action on a different machine running stock DO config to be equal to mine and also use a drive with letter D: to "copy move" by dragndrop, target folder will not be selected (expected).

Additionally: I noticed new files being created in D: to popup and being highlighted without me interacting with the lister.
This is also something I cannot remember to have seen before. Maybe I shall add, I played with the .NET FilesystemWatcher classes today, observing changes in D: and other places, but I cannot see how that would affect DO.

Problem more clear and complex now I guess, but still clueless. o)

Is Preferences / File Operations / Copy Options / Automatically select newly copied files involved?

Yes, it's enabled. But new files seem to be selected only if they appear within 1 second or so after the "Copy MOVE" has taken place, it does not happen always, quite hard to reproduce.

I tested on the other of my mostly identical setups. There, "Copy MOVE" triggered by left-mouse-drag + Ctrl will also select folders in the root of drive D: - and again it only happens for drive D: it seems for whatever reason.

Does it still happen with that option disabled?

Are the files appearing & selected after the move ones that were moved or something unrelated happening at the same time?

Are the folders that are/aren't selected there before the move, or created by the move?

Is the D drive the same filesystem and type of device, local/network, to the other drives you're comparing it to?

Tried with scripts disabled in case one is involved?

Surprise: No, this does not happen with the option disabled (automatically select newly copied files)!

Files are created by external application in just the "right" moment, they were not involved in any DO action I triggered myself.

Unexpectedly selected folder has been created ages ago (it's just the target for the moved items).

Yes, D: and the other drives are all NTFS + local. Also tried NTFS + remote -> normal behaviour just like local drives (D: excluded).

Whish there was an option for that. I'll remove all addins when I'm back home, currently at work, not risking to screw that config here.

Thx! Seems there's a tiny progress? o)

Ok, I temporarily moved all scripts away from the script addins folder, but the unexpected selection issue remains.
Good: I did not encounter any issues with missing columns or similar yet, after moving all the addins away and back in place! o)