I have a few task-specific toolbars that open one of two ways:
- Toggle button on other toolbar that is always open. As an example a button with the following command would open at the bottom of the lister
Toolbar "images" STATE=bottom LINE=0 toggle
The user can change the "LINE=" number to adjust the toolbar's position relative to the "STATE" when the user has multiple toolbars open in the given location.
- Tied to a specific folder's format:
Unfortunately, tying a toolbar to a folder format does not offer the option to adjust the toolbar's position relative to other toolbars open in the given position. There is no "LINE=" equivalent for Folder Formats to my knowledge.
This lack of line control with Folder Formats may cause aesthetic layout problems. It does for me. If there is a way already available to correct this, please advise. Otherwise, request adding a "LINE" parameter to the Folder Formats options: