With a ability to customize the columns of a folder in Details view, can these settings be replicated down all its subfolders.
I'd like to do this with my MP3 folders, but to do it manually across all Artist & Album subfolders would be alot of work.
[quote="JGonzalez0814"]With a ability to customize the columns of a folder in Details view, can these settings be replicated down all its subfolders.
I'd like to do this with my MP3 folders, but to do it manually across all Artist & Album subfolders would be alot of work.[/quote]
Have you already tried: Tools -> Folder Options -> View (2nd Tab) ->
This should work.
Indeed, and you can also go to "Preferences->Folders->Folder Formats" to see what folders have forced override settings (Folder Formats list). In fact you can even re-edit them from there.
This is a great feature.
I've got a question about subfolders. As an example -- I've got my MP3 directory, which I like to view as thumbnails (for the album art). OK, great. I have that set as my folder options for that folder.
But I want the individual artist's subfolders to be in details mode...without having to hit details button every time I enter a subfolder, or go into every single subfolder and manually assign a folder options for it, is there a way to do this?
I tried setting the root mp3 folder to details mode, then assign to all subfolders, then setting it to thumbails and assign it to just that root folder, but it didn't work. My default view is details mode, but Opus uses my current (thumbnail) view when entering a subfolder.
selmo, go to Preferences - Folders - Folder Formats and find the format for the folder in question. Edit it and go to the Options tab and then ensure that Use as the default format for all sub-folders is turned off.
All of this and more is explained in the Folder Formats FAQ linked in my signature.
Folder Formats (i.e. formats for specific folder, not the general category) are good for one-of type formats. What you should be using is a Content Type Format for all of your music files.[ol][li] Create/Edit a File Type Group in Settings - File Types named Music.
[li] To the Music File Type Group, add all relevant music file extensions: .wma, .mp3, et cetera.
NOTE: While it isn't required for what you want to accomplish at the moment, you can also create custom: Context Menu Items, InfoTips, Tiles, and mouse Events for your Music File Type Group in this same dialog.
[li] Save your File Type Group
[li] In Preferences - Folders - Options, enable the option named Enable Folder Content Type detection. To start with, I would select for: local drives only, you can always come back and expand on this later.
[li] In Preferences - Folders - Folder Formats - Content Type Formats you will see your File Type Group listed. Enable it and customize it as you desire.
[ul][li]In Edit Format dialog, under Options tab - Options - content threshold, I recommend using 51% on each of your Content Type Formats to start with, especially when you use a lot of them. This way the Content Type format for the main content of a folder will always be used.
Opus applies all Formats (Folder, Content Type, and Default) with the same precedence as the order they are listed in Preferences - Folder Formats. So if you had two Content Type Formats named Music and Images, Opus would evaluate the Images format before the Music format (listed alphabetically) to see which to apply to the current folder.
Say that the content thresholds of both of these formats were set to 10%. When you listed a folder containing 9 music files (or less), along with the usually hidden 1-3 album cover art files added by Windows Media Player, the Images format might be applied before Opus even evaluates the Music format to see if it could apply. With Each Content Type Format Threshold set to 51%, the format applicable to the majority or files will always apply. However, if you have a folder with 5 images and 5 music files, neither format would apply. You can always tweak the percentages later as you see fit.[/li][/ul][/li]
[li] Once you have your Content Type Format configured how you want, click apply on the Preferences dialog to save everything.
[li] Enter Customize Mode.
[li] Under Customize Dialog - Commands Tab - Category list - View Category, select the Current Content Type command and add it to a toolbar of your choice (I have mine on my Tabbar). This field allows you to see and change which Content Type is applied to a folder on-the-fly.[/li][/ol]Don't just take my word on all of this stuff. You should read about all of these things in the Help file as well.
I don't think a Content Type format applies here because selmo wants a custom format for the parent directory (which presumably just contains subdirectories) and then for the sub-directories of that to be displayed normally.
Saving a format for the parent directory, and setting it not to be used for subdirectories, will do exactly what is wanted.
(Unless I have misunderstood the question, of course!)
Actually, he should do both—he also wants his music folders to be formatted a certain way, and doesn't want to create a Folder Format for each one. What you suggested handles the Album and Artist folders, but what I suggested handles all of his mp3 folders.
nudel: yes, thanks, that's exactly what I was looking for. I was trying to find the setting through the "folder options..." button, which doesn't offer the "use as the default for all subfolders" option, whereas going through prefs->folder formats->edit does.
I think at some point in my efforts, I must hit "save to this and all subfolders" from the folder options dialog, which implicitly sets the "use as default for all subfolders" flag. But I couldn't find how to unset that flag, since its hidden when you get to that dialog via "folder options..." instead of prefs->folder format.
(helpful FAQ, BTW, thx)
kenalcock: I had a music content folder format set up, which sets my MP3 specific details columns and had it's view mode set to details mode. But while the columns were being applied, the thumbnails / detail view mode wasn't. I guess the specific folder format for the parent (root) folder was getting found first (because it was set to apply to all subfolders). Clearing that flag on the root let the content folder format take effect as desired.
Are the changes in the folder views done by DOpus also visible in Windows Explorer?
No, they're completely separate.
Sry to resurect such old thread.. I have a similar confusion i think..
I have a folder with lots of subfolders..The folder and the subfolders(and their content) are displayed in details mode..I want as i open the subfolders that the content of them be viewed as thumbails..The folder and subfolders should remain as details.. Is it possible without modifing folder options for each subfolder as that would take a long time? Or am i missing somethin..
You can do that by setting the parent folder's Details-mode format not to apply to sub-folders, and then creating a Wildcard Folder Format which applies Thumbnails-mode folders below the parent folder.
If you need more detailed help on that, please link your account.
Thank you very much MR Leo..Exactly what i wanted,it worked great..