Folder rename

I searched the forum but most of the questions relate to older versions of this product and did not answer my question.

I'm finally getting around to organizing some e-books. I created a bunch of rename presets using the regular expression mode. However, I am unable to figure out why these presets are only working on files and not folders. If I check off the "Rename file in selected sub-folders" option or the "Rename folders as well as their content" option the result is only that filenames in the sub-folder are renamed but not the folder. I'm attaching an example as well.

Is there a setting that I am overlooking?


Your rename pattern is looking for a . in the old name, which won't normally be there with folders.

Turn on the Ignore Extension checkbox and remove everything to do with the file extensions from the patterns. The extension (if any) will then be preserved automatically and you only have to worry about the main part of the name, and can write patterns that work with both files and folders.

My error now seems obvious when you explain it so well.



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