Folder tree weird behaviour

Basically all the problems I'm having with the Folder Tree can be summed up in "Locking doesn't work (the icon shows it as locked, but it jumps all over the place)".

I want to have everything collapsed at all times except for partitions R: (reference), P: (projects) and "Favorites and Recent".

However, if by some coincidence I go to parent folder too many times (by doubleclicking on the empty space within the list of the files - I'm using a tablet and must have one of my button set to emulate doubleclicks due to Windows stuff; so hopping to a too high parent happens from time to time) and end up on Desktop, the whole Folder Tree collapses and shows the "Computer, Homegroup, Network" etc that I never use. Why? I locked it, why does it twitch... The same thing happens if I click on "Favorites and Recent"! The folder tree collapses and ignores the fact it's locked.

Also, when I click on the "Favorites and Recent" - it just doesn't want to open! There's a small "+" sign indicating it "knows" there is something inside, but clicking on the "+" sign or the icon or the "Fav..." text doesn't do anything. The Folder tree just flashes and redraws itself for a split second... I can access the Favorites without a problem through the dropdown menu from the top though.

I have checked all the options in the settings but nothing seems to influence this.
So: how do I keep the Folder Tree locked with selected partitions and Favs opened?

It´s the format lock you´re using, to maintain your current display format while changing directories. It´s not meant to lock parts of the tree.
Check out the section about set TREEROOT in your manual, which enables you to reroot the tree, at least temporarily
(in the section "miscellaneous tree changes"). But if you save those settings as the default lister, it could maybe work.

The Set TREEROOT command lets you temporarily re-root the Folder Tree to a specified location.
There is also a Root Tree Here command that is displayed in the context menu for items in the Folder
Tree if you hold the SHIFT key down when you right-click them.

You can check -> preferences -> folder structure -> options -> "folder structure starts from", then set it to the "drives" level, so you can´t go upwards too far.

"You can check -> preferences -> folder structure -> options -> "folder structure starts from", then set it to the "drives" level, so you can´t go upwards too far."

I have it set to "Drives". Despite this, I can go upwards. By clicking on Favorites, which teleports me to "My Computer".

I think I did a bad job of explaining the issue, let me retry.

Clicking on the "Favorites" collapses the whole Folder Tree, and the Favorites do not open. In other words, I can not access Favorites from the Folder Tree at all. I can access them no problem from the dropdown menu. I have tried most of the combinations from the settings for the Folder Tree (all three subsets), and clicking on Favorites always collapses the Folder Tree without actually opening Favorites. Furthermore, the Folder Tree collapses to "My Computer" despite the setting to "folder structure starts from: Drives".

In fact, after poking a bit, it seems I can't turn "Favorites and Recent" off in the folder tree at all - ticking and unticking the "Favorites" in the Folder Tree / Appearance / Show in Folder Tree / Favorites has no effect at all.

Is the tree itself locked?

(The lock icon is circled in my screenshot.)

This is what happens for me if I have the tree locked, set to start in Drives, and then parent up to the Desktop level:

As you can see, the tree ignores my navigation completely and stays pointed at the last folder I clicked on in the tree. If it isn't doing that for you then it doesn't sound like it is locked.

Here are my tree options, FWIW:

[quote="leo"]Is the tree itself locked?

(The lock icon is circled in my screenshot.)

This is what happens for me if I have the tree locked, set to start in Drives, and then parent up to the Desktop level:

As you can see, the tree ignores my navigation completely and stays pointed at the last folder I clicked on in the tree. If it isn't doing that for you then it doesn't sound like it is locked.

Here are my tree options, FWIW[/quote]

Yes, it's locked (although I keep the Folder Tree bar hidden). But you don't have the "Favorites" in the Folder Tree :wink: so obviously you won't see the effect I'm talking about. Obviously I still didn't get my point across ^^;;; I'll just make a video and send you a link. Maybe I'm just misunderstanding something...

That explains what's happening. If the Folder Tree header is hidden (and with it the lock icon) then the tree is always considered unlocked.

Hm, I don't think that explains it because I just unhid it and tested it again - it still behaves exactly the same regardless of whether it's locked or not. Also why would it be considered unlocked if I lock it and then hide the Folder Tree Bar? This makes no sense to me ^^;;; (and still doesn't explain why do the "Favorites" show up despite being unticked in the Settings).

How do I open the Favorites in the Folder Tree? In my video you can see that I'm clicking on them but nothing happens - except for everything collapsing.

Just got the PM, thanks for taking a look. It's a small glitch after all, I was starting to think I'm blind :wink:

btw something similar happens when I click on Aliases: the Folder Tree collapses for a split second, and then reopens itself just like when clicking on Favorites, the difference being that clicking on Aliases actually works (the directory appears in the lister) and the Folder Tree does not collapse all the way back to My Computer.

ok this was obviously fixed in one of the recent updates (thanks :slight_smile: ) but now there's a new problem, namely the drives and partitions disappear when clicking around, for example:

When I click on any of the folders within "File Collections", all the drives and partitions from the Folder Tree disappear (C:, D:, ...).

Clicking on anything in "Favorites and Recent" cuts out the drives (and twitches weirdly / flashes while doing so) and substitutes them with Desktop / Computer, Homegroup, Network instead.

So, how can I prevent it from cutting out (or substituting) the drives and partitions?

Just to confirm - I have the Folder Tree set up to start with Drives, not Desktop etc.

That's by design, if the tree is set to start at a point that excludes a branch (like File Collections) and you navigate to that branch, it will automatically re-root itself to make the display of it possible.

Than how come all Drives get deleted from the Folder Tree if I click on the File Collections in the Folder Tree... but not if I click the File Collections that I keep on the desktop (the latter just opens a new tab in the current lister, without changing the Folder Tree at all, as it should - the same way it worked in DOpus 9)?

Also getting the drives to show again in the Folder Tree after clicking on the Folder Collections is lots of work. I'm not really sure how to explain it so I'll try to make a video tomorrow where you can also see the twitching animation that collapses the Folder Tree and reopens it again at the same spot and some other glitches.

ok just to confirm that this does not happen after yesterday's update! Thanks so much!