For FOLDERCONTENT menus the Gap is too wide between the Icon and Text.
Should be the same as in any other menu. (At least assuming there aren't other items above/below in the same menu that might be using larger icons.)
The gap should be consistent with the gap in the file display lister. In previous versions of opus it was the right width. This anomaly is with 13.
I doubt how it worked changed in Opus 13, or at least not much.
Try removing the "Current" item at the top of your menu (or the icon from it, at least), which seems to use a larger icon than all the other items.
Removing the 'Current' button had no effect, that wide gap persists.
Menu gaps are defined by the operating system's theme. Compare Opus to other menus that use the standard theme (i.e. not the initial context menu File Explorer opens in Windows 11, but the one you see if you then click the option to show the full menu, or the one you see right away in Windows 10). The gap in Opus's menus should be the same as those, since it comes from the OS.