Font Suggestions for Best Presentation

Can you guys tell me what fonts you use that look great with Directory Opus? I've got an average collection of fonts. My monitors are sized at 30'' (2560x1600) and 32'' (3840x2160) so I like fonts that look crisp and clean at different sizes.

I think Window's Segoe UI looks decent but nothing to get excited about. It's kinda' boring. For each of my main programs, I use a specific font that looks much better, in my opinion. I think it makes a big difference. Here are some examples:

Excel - Gotham Narrow for text, Clear Sans for numbers
Word - Freight Text Pro Light
Everything Search - Museo Sans, 9 pt
OneNote - Avenir Next

Does anyone have suggestions for Directory Opus? I can't seem to find a good font that matches.

Dungeon works for me:

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Thanks for the suggestion. I'll try it. I don't have the font file for Dungeon (never heard of it) but I'll look for it and try it. Thanks a lot!

For readability I prefer amble.

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