FTp bug

Hi there

There is a bug in FTP module, because if a filename has one or more of our special characters like čćžšđČĆŽŠĐ Opus FTP shows it as a empty square. Problem is, because I can not delete it any longer because it says the file or folder does not exists.


Seems there is a problem on this forum also. It doesn't show Latin 2 characters. The characters are carons, c caron, s caron and z caron.

[quote="jerry2"]Hi there

There is a bug in FTP module, because if a filename has one or more of our special characters like čćžšđČĆŽŠĐ Opus FTP shows it as a empty square. Problem is, because I can not delete it any longer because it says the file or folder does not exists.


I would suggest submitting this information to the official Opus support
site here:


Thank you. I just did that.