FTP, USB and

Hi !

I've got some questions about FTP and USB Export.

I wouldn't like to lose my USB flash key, but if it happens, i'd be happy not to see my DOpus and my FTP connections (to my websites) to be used.. :

  • is it possible somewhere to put a password at the launch of DOpus ? to avoid somebody using it without the password
  • is it possible to put a password on the FTP Adress Book ?
  • how are the ftp passwords stocked ? encrypted or clear in config files ?
  • if clear, is it possible to encrypt them ?


The passwords are encrypted but not particularly strongly. If you're worried about it I would say remove the passwords from your exported configuration, that way Opus will prompt you to enter the password when you try to connect to a site.

A program like KeePass can help here. You can put all your passwords into it, encrypted with a single password that you type whenever you need to access them.

The really nice thing is you can set up a hotkey that you push which looks at the active window (e.g. Opus asking for an FTP password for a particular site) and automatically types the appropriate password into it for you after you have typed the master password.

I haven't looked at running KeePass or the similar tools from USB but if any of them can be installed on USB then it would be ideal, in my opinion. You get strong encryption of your passwords and minor hassle since you only have to remember one password.

With a master password that can be typed quickly I find I don't miss having a fingerprint scanner.

Thanks for your fast and very insteresting answers !

And no way to protect the launch of DO with a password ? because when someone can launch DO, he can as well go in FTP Adress book and ask to see the passwords in plain text

I'll look at KeePass though, it seems really interesting

There's an option in the 'Default Settings' page in the FTP Address Book to not show site passwords as plain text.

Make sure that you also change the "Global" password, which is in the same place, since if you know that password you can turn the plain-text passwords option back on.

Oh ok, i had not understood the 'Show passwords in plain text' checkbox could not be checked without typing the general password..
Ok that's quite fine then
