Function to disable all locked tabs for a single session

I'm using lots of linked files, most of them being locked. But sometimes it would be very handy, if we could toggle all locked states to "no lock" temporarily. I know, that we already have commands to change the lock states. So basically i am requesting a mode to remove the locks generally, without having to use the keyboard command for maybe four tabs (two linked pairs of tabs) one by one.

When i restart my standard lister, all would be reset through Go Tabgroupload to normal.

This button will unlock all tabs in the current lister:

Unlock All Tabs.dcf (4.0 KB)

Script code for reference:

function OnClick(clickData)
	var cmd = clickData.func.command;
	cmd.deselect = false;

	var rightActive = clickData.func.sourcetab.right;
	var leftTabIndex = -1;
	var rightTabIndex = -1;

	var tabIndex = 0;
	var right = false;
	for (var eTab = new Enumerator(clickData.func.sourcetab.lister.tabs); !eTab.atEnd(); eTab.moveNext())
		var tab = eTab.item();
		if (!right && tab.right)
			right = true;
			tabIndex = 0;

		if (tab.visible)
			if (tab.right)
				rightTabIndex = tabIndex;
				leftTabIndex = tabIndex;


	tabIndex = 0;
	right = false;
	cmd.RunCommand("Set SOURCE=left");
	for (var eTab = new Enumerator(clickData.func.sourcetab.lister.tabs); !eTab.atEnd(); eTab.moveNext())
		var tab = eTab.item();
		if (!right && tab.right)
			right = true;
			tabIndex = 0;
			cmd.RunCommand("Set SOURCE=right");
		if (tab.lock != "off")
			cmd.RunCommand("Go TABSELECT=" + tabIndex);
			cmd.RunCommand("Go TABLOCK=off");

	if (rightActive && leftTabIndex != -1)
		cmd.RunCommand("Set SOURCE=left");
		cmd.RunCommand("Go TABSELECT=" + leftTabIndex);

	if (rightTabIndex != -1)
		cmd.RunCommand("Set SOURCE=right");
		cmd.RunCommand("Go TABSELECT=" + rightTabIndex);

	if (!rightActive && leftTabIndex != -1)
		cmd.RunCommand("Set SOURCE=left");
		cmd.RunCommand("Go TABSELECT=" + leftTabIndex);

Thanks a lot, Leo. I just tested the button, it works perfectly!

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Here's a better version of that script, which doesn't activate all the tabs while unlocking them:

Unlock All Tabs.dcf (1.0 KB)

function OnClick(clickData)
	var lister = clickData.func.sourcetab.lister;
	var cmd = clickData.func.command;
	cmd.deselect = false;

	cmd.RunCommand("Go TABLOCK=off,all");

	if (lister.dual)
		cmd.RunCommand("Go TABLOCK=off,all");