I wonder if there is VB guru out there who can help me with a VB problem.
I want to be able to select an image or a group of images and gather the image metadata field SUBECT into a string variable. I have searched the documentation and the best I have come up with is that I probably need to use DOpus.FsUtil and imagemeta in some way.
Unfortunately that is way outside my programming skills. Is there anybody who could point me in the right direction?
It is interesting to follow the logic of this code, but it does not help much as on every image I try it on it tells me there are no tags, when I can see that there are indeed metadata entries fro all the files.
Basically what I need is VB snippet that will let me extract data from the Author, Copyright,Imagedesc,Subject and Title fields and store them in variables that I can later load into a form.
Here's an example of how to do it if you are looping through the selected files in the current window:
Option Explicit
Function OnClick(ByRef clickData)
Dim selItem, imageData
For Each selItem in clickData.func.sourcetab.selected
Set imageData = selItem.Metadata.image
DOpus.Output "Author: " + imageData.mp3artist
DOpus.Output "Copyright: " + imageData.Copyright
DOpus.Output "Description: " + imageData.imagedesc
DOpus.Output "Subject: " + imageData.Subject
End Function
Quick JS variant here..
This thread with the VBScript code still pops up when using search engines (and no JS example for some reason, this should fix this.. o).