I would like to generate a collection from mp3-metatags. Source are different folders incl. subfolders, so search must be recursive.
For example: Create a collection including all MP3's with genre "pop". Or creating from all songs released between 1990 and 1999 (by entering search-tags as parameter "1990,1991,1992,...,1999", so presets would also be possible).
If someone is interested and has got time to write such a script... thank you very much!
I'm unsure what you're aiming for with the command line. You can't generate filters on-the-fly via commands at the moment (maybe one day, though). So if you want to automate this kind of search using buttons, you will need to create some pre-made filters for the command to use.
Within a filter, the way to do it was shown in my screenshot above.