Get tooltip / info tip content by script or command for multiple items

Hello! o)

Is there a way to get access to the tooltip of one or multiple selected items with a command?
This tooltip or info tip I mean:

I configured my my tooltips quite nicely I think, so I often make use of the hidden / hard coded "CTRL + SHIFT + ALT + C" hotkey to get the full tooltip content into clipboard and save that into a "sidecar" file for various downloads e.g., but..

  1. the default hotkey is hard to use (but can already be worked around it seems)
  2. I need visible tooltip (automation no-no)
  3. specific mouse position to make tooltip show up
  4. no way to access multiple tooltips at once
  5. creating the sidecar files cannot be automated

I found this in the docs for the Clipboard command:

This would help to assign a custom hotkey I guess (point 1), but it does not solve points 2-5.

Would it be possible to have some script method to get the tooltip text of any DO item into a string?

Thank you! o)

So the aim is to write some metadata fields into another file, using info-tips as a way to define what gets written?

I would have the script build up the text itself without using into-tips, as that frees you from having to keep your info-tips looking a certain way everywhere just for one script.

Yes. The info tips configuration already is a somewhat nice central place to maintain what metadata is of interest. Leveraging or reusing it to some extend, is probably not the worst idea?! o)

Small use case demo:
To keep track of what file came from where, I create this *.meta.txt file for all the weird Linux executables I get from odd places e.g.. Then I put it onto the Linux box side by side to the downloaded file I already copied and renamed there, to reflect software version. The original file name, MOTW (download URL source / referrer from ADS) and time stamps get lost this way, but the *.meta.txt file will tell me in the future.

Currently, a script cannot reuse this info tip configuration I guess, so it would need to recreate the formatting and what properties / metadata to fetch and maybe also the grouping of file extensions (although I remember some file type group scripting functionality).

A major hurdle though, is the missing access of a script to values provided by other script columns. So scripts would need to be rewritten / refactored to make use of "@include" and expose relevant methods for metadata extraction.

Not an impossible task, but since the wanted info tip text is already there, in the desired form and function, I would think the idea of getting that as it is, is quite reasonable?

No need to invent things twice or overhaul a lot of existing scripts. Getting access to script column values from a script, would be nice to have some day as well of course, but for now, getting the info tip as it is, seems like a low hanging fruit? o)

Maybe that makes more sense to you now, not sure, will see! o)