Go FOLDERCONTENT=copy/move not working since 13.4.1 Beta


since 13.4.1 Beta FOLDERCONTENT with copy or move argument no longer copies or moves, instead the "Select Destination Folder"-dialog opens.

I also have a problem with FOLDERCONTENT
I've been using this button for years and now with beta 13.4.1 it no longer works

Button XML
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<button backcol="none" display="both" label_pos="right" textcol="none" type="menu">
	<button backcol="none" display="both" textcol="none">
		<tip>Go to Programs</tip>
		<function type="normal">
			<instruction>Go &quot;C:\Program files&quot; FOLDERCONTENT=&quot;maxdepth=2,filefilter=*.exe&quot;</instruction>
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Thanks! This should be working again when we put out 13.4.2.

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