I can't get the Go command and FOLDERCONTENT param to work es described.
I put my GO FOLDERCONTENT command into a menu or menu button, which I guess, is the right way to do it? Then..
The option for FOLDERCONTENT button seems to have no effect at all.
Adding the option nomenusel will still expand subfolders on mouseover, but hide empty dirs.
Option dblclickmenu makes empty folders still open for a single click. (And how is that meant in the docs: "Both hovering and single-clicking a sub-folder will expanded it..", how could I singleclick a folder to expand it, when it has already been opened by hovering?)
Additionally, using the nofiles option together with nomenusel creates empty menus.
Ok, maybe a more detailed demonstration helps to understand, what I'm seeing. All commands were put into menu buttons for this demo.
#1 - Using the nomenusel option for GO FOLDERCONTENT gives me a menu, in which I cannot click folders anymore to open them (which is what's described), but it omits empty folders as well (which is unexpected) and adding the option showempty, does not bring them back.
The purpose of nomenusel is to give you a menu for selecting files, where it's as easy as possible to open the intermediate folders to get to those files.
Folders that do not contain any files are excluded in that mode, as they would not serve any purpose. You can't click on the folders, except to expand their sub-menus, and they contain no files to select, so their sub-menus are either empty or only contain other sub-menus which are ultimately empty due to having no files below them. The folders would be a waste of space; just menu hierarchies with nothing inside to actually select.
If you filter out all files as well, then you make all folders like that, so none of them are included and you get a completely empty menu.
Hi Leo, thank you for explaining. I was mislead by the docs a bit then, as the description of nomenusel does not say something about "it's for opening files quickly". o)
I had the intention of creating a menu, which does show only folders, expands those on click and would open them on dblclick, but this behaviour seems to be out of reach. I still learned something new! o)
"This means it will not be possible to select a sub-folder to navigate to it" kinda implies the mode is for selecting files, since it prevents you from selecting folders.