Can we configure Directory Opus to go to the upper directory by double clicking at the backgroud of a lister (like in Xplorer²) ?
Can we configure Directory Opus to go to the upper directory by double clicking at the backgroud of a lister (like in Xplorer²) ?
Not at the moment (you could file a feature request to GPSoft though), but there are serveral alternative ways to get to the parent directory in Opus:
resource.dopus.com/viewtopic.php ... t=xplorer2
Is this still under consideration? I'd love to see it also. The problem I have with the Hot Paths is that using a dual lister on a laptop display, the full path is often not visible. I found that the Hot Paths to go up a level do not always work in that case.
I think it could be useful if we could bind any command to double-click on empty space. You want it to parent up, I might want to make it toggle selection or select all or something, someone else might want another thing...
In the laptop case, what if there isn't any empty space visible on the screen? You'd have to use a toolbar button, hotkey, file display border button, or slide-out parent button in that situation. The slide-out buttons use the least space (no space at all until your mouse is next the left edge/corner of the list).
Might I suggest these hotkey sequences?
Previously listed folder Go BACK No Alt + Left Arrow
Next listed folder Go FORWARD No Alt + Right Arrow
Parent Folder Go UP BACK No Alt + Up Arrow
Root of Current Drive Go ROOT=COLLAPSE No Alt + Down Arrow
Previous Tab Go TABSELECT -1 No Ctrl + Left Arrow
Next Tab Go TABSELECT +1 No Ctrl + Right Arrow
Open New Tab Go CURRENT NEWTAB No Ctrl + Up Arrow
Close Current Tab Go TABCLOSE No Ctrl + Down Arrow[/code]
You can define these directly in the Customize > Keys tab.
I use the ` key as GO UP BACK. It's easy to locate - top left below ESC key which means finding/typing it is a breeze.
Remaining on topic, I prefer Nudel's suggestion of allowing the double-click to be completely configurable. Personally I can see the ability to select all files with it being handy.