GoogleBooks Script Add-In


This script utilizes Google Books to gather book information and integrate them into DOpus.
A new command and several custom columns are added to DOpus to download Book Cover and show Information from Google Books..


Open Preferences / Toolbars / Scripts, then download Google Books.osp (below) and drag it to the list.

A minimum of DOpus 11.5.2 is required.

GoogleBooks.osp (23.7 KB)

The Opus Script Package (.osp) file contains the script as well as some icons used by the button below. You can rename a .osp file to .zip to look inside it.


Once the script is installed there is a new command GoogleBooksDownloader availabe in the command editor. You can find some information about the command and config parameters in the about dialog of the script add-in.

To facilitate the first steps, here is an example Menu Button to show the functionality. Just download the .dcf file and drag it to a toolbar while in Customize mode (Settings > Customize Toolbars).

GoogleBooks.dcf (1.79 KB)


The Google Books API has some restrictions regarding calls per second (frequency) and calls per day (total count). I am not sure about the quota for "anonymous access", but it is sufficient to test the script. For further usage probably a valid Google Books API Key is required. It could be generated with a Google Account in the Google API Console. Still the quota of "1.0 requests/second/user" and "1,000 requests/day" could be insufficient for heavy usage (e.g. Turned on Custom columns on mid to large sized ebook collections) . If the quota limit is reached, the script will stop working until next day!!!

Feel free to use, optimize and enhance the script. Please post your changes in this thread.