Got Lost - Startup Listers


I just got lost: each time I start DO, it shows my preconfigured dual lister layout, which is correct, but 'M not seeing those folders that were previously opened. DO always starts with "My Computer" in each lister. Don't know the exact English phrase right now for "This Computer". At least it shows all my drives and network locations.

These are my startup preferences:

I've saved a layout, that obviously gets used when starting DO and immediately shows me the the content of "My Computer" in dual lister layout. However, I cannot figure out where to change this particular behaviour and to start DO where I left it before.


Are you fully exiting Opus (via File / Exit Directory Opus), or just closing the window?

That setting only applies when Opus has been exited and is later re-started.

If you're just closing the window, turn on Preferences / Launching Opus / Default Lister / Update Default Lister automatically when closing a Lister and (if applicable) make sure whichever method you're using to open Opus windows will open the Default Lister and not any particular layout which would override it.

Hi Leo - as fast as usual :grinning: - thanks for your reply!

I'm closing the window of DO and I've now set the option "Update Default Lister automatically when closing..." and this already solved my issue.

Thanks again!

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