From the right-click context menu for a file, selecting More GpgEX Options then the 3 separate options Decrypt, Verify and Decrypt and Verify all appear to operate the same and produce errors when applied.
The process should work as I can separately run: $gpg --verify XXXX.sig
for the file from the command prompt and it gives the correct result.
I may be processing the file incorrectly but could not find any DOpus documentation describing the GPG functionality. Or is the pre-made toolbar the generally accepted approach?
Short answer is 'Yes', however, neither the DOpus nor Explorer results may be incorrect.
Initiallty verified a download with accompanying .sig using GPG from the command prompt. Downloaded file was verified as correct but with some information (error) messages.
The right-click prompt to verify from both DOpus and MS Expl runs Kleopatra - certificate manager from KDE, installed with GPG4Win and the default app set for .sig files - which I hadn't realised. It was then Kleopatra reporting the 'verify' as in error, although it appears to be fine but with just associated information 'errors'.
So I might stay with running from the command prompt unless you are aware of a better approach.