GPS EXIF data not being read properly

I tested out adding the latitude and longitude data into the mouse hovering for pictures. It seems to get most of the information from the EXIF data, but not completely.

My work flow goes as follows.

  • I have a Canon 1D Mark II Camera and shoot in Raw (.CR2) mode
  • I have a GPS DG-100 Data Logger
  • I extract my GPS data using the supplied software into a log file
  • I use Breeze Systems Downloader Pro to download the images along with the Exif data in XMP files

The EXIF Data as created by Downloader pro is in the following format:

<x:xmpmeta xmlns:x="adobe:ns:meta/">
<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="">

<rdf:Description rdf:about="" xmlns:exif="">


  • I then edit the photo in Photoshop and save is as a JPG.

  • Because the GPS data was part of the XMP file, when I save the image as a JPG, it copies the XMP data into the JPG allowing DO to see the information.

  • From what I gather, when opening the JPG in Photoshop CS3 and viewing the file properties, the format seems to be the same as above, (only the exif data is there, not the rest).

  • DO, when set to display latitude and longitude, does so in the following format.

2336 x 3504 x 24 JPEG Image
Camera Make: Canon
Camera Model: Canon EOS-1D Mark II
Shooting Time: 5/12/2007 3:36:54 PM
Aperture: F/9.0
F-Number: F/9.0
Shutter Speed: 1/320 sec
Exposure Time: 1/320 sec
ISO Speed: ISO 200
Exposure Bias: +0.3 step
Focal Length: 200 mm
Metering Mode: Pattern
Exp. Program: Aperture Priority
Flash: Not fired
Latitude: 45° 30' 0" N
Longitude: 73° 33' 0" W

While the original Data shows the "seconds" in the data from DO, it loses the seconds and puts a "0" in there.

Below is how I believe DO should be interpreting the data.

Latitude: 45° 30' 30300" N
Longitude: 73° 33' 13339" W

Would be great if this can be fixed.

Can you post one of the JPG images for me to test?


Here is a picture for you.



Ok, it seems that Opus is expecting the coordinates in DMS format, and your image has them as DM. If you can configure Downloader Pro to use DMS format it should work, otherwise wait and we will fix this next update.