Group Button / Column

I have the Group factory button on my lister. But I don't have a Group column assigned to any of my folder formats.

So that I don't have a column that I don't need when I'm not using it. When I enable a group then the column is created, and is removed when I go back and choose 'group > none'. If I leave that folder the group is still active, with its column, which is fine. But if I return to that same folder the group column is no longer present, even though the group is still active. And it removes the horizontal scroll bar and I can't get it back in that tab.

Group factory? This doesn't entirely make sense to me, but maybe you want this option:

Preferences / File Display Columns / Options / Add Group column automatically when file display is grouped

I just use the word "factory" with something that was made by the devs, as opposed to a user created thing. In this case the button I'm talking about comes with Dopus, so it's factory:

Groupable Columns

The option has been enabled:
Add Auto

The bug is that when I leave a folder before resetting a set group to 'None' that folder is going to glitch out if I come back to it. The group will still be set but there will be no group column and my horizontal scroll bar disappears permanently for that tab.

I became confused with your first image, but then I kind of got it.
When grouping the file display and including the Group column through Preferences, the state is persistent here after all navigation changes.

I'm confused though, I think I missed it .
How did you enable the Group column outside of Preferences ?

By using the button. Click the button and you get the group drop down menu.
Groups are off by default (none). Choose a group and the group column appears. Choose none again and it disappears. It works fine except when leaving and coming back to the folder that the group was first set.