I convert image from HEIC to JPG. I found that Camera information lost.
Any ideas to fix this problem?
I convert image from HEIC to JPG. I found that Camera information lost.
Any ideas to fix this problem?
HEIC support is very basic at the moment, compared to other image formats. If you need camera metadata/preservation, Lxp's advice of using a different tool for the conversion is probably best, at least for now.
(You can create an Opus button to run the other tool from within Opus, of course. That is, assuming you can find a suitable tool. I just tried using Photoshop to see what kind of metedata it could show for HEIC files, and it could not even open most of my test HEIC files.)
I'm using this for conversion, keeps the EXIF metadata too.
We would certainly appreciate more support being added as the file format fools many users who have no idea their phone is not compatible with the rest of the world...
I was converting .HEIC files from my iPhone to JPG and PNG, and whilst the "date taken" does show up in properties of the .heic files, it is lost when converting. This caused me quite some trouble.
I would appreciate basic functionality where at least the date taken is preserved when converting... ideally, there could even be a checkbox "preserve EXIF data", eventually, as there are many situations also where this is not desired.