Alright, this one has got me confused. I've searched the help file for Opus 11.18, but I just get lost in a trail of information. What I'd like to do is create a button that will delete any directories in the active lister that have a size of less than 100 KB, with a confirmation dialog just prior to doing the actual deletion. At times, this might total 4 directories, at other times, there might not be any at all. So, I come with hat in hand, and ask for help. I would consider this an education by way of spoon-feeding.
I am putting forth my best effort on this one, but my best isn't cutting it.
The workflow of the button should go something like this: SelectAll, GetSizes, Select Size= [ (less than 100KB) This is where I get stuck ], Delete Selected .
So, I have made a test folder with 2 folders in it, one empty and one with a large file. I then created a new button, and entered the above commands in the Advanced section. The SelectAll works fine, the GetSizes works fine, but I get stuck on the section where I want it to select folders with <100 KB. Nothing I do seems to work.
I have dropped the idea of a confirmation dialog, for the time being, just so I can try to get the basic button up and running.
Alright, I've found that I was trying to make things too difficult. I now have the button working with the following
Select Size <100kb
Fine and well. At this point I still seek help with adding a confirmation dialog box to the buttons' code, informing me of what folders will be deleted, and asking for permission to proceed.
Outstanding, I believe that will do the trick!! Now, I just have to learn how to apply the scripts and such, and when I've done that, I'll post back with my results. Very kind of you to help!!