Help with @label please

Hi, am trying to set @label based on a global variable using


but cannot get it to work, shows off always
Is it even possible ?

BackgroundChanger_highlight is set in a script and works with
@toggle:if $glob:BackgroundChanger_highlight

Lines with @modifiers are all processed before any conditional branching happens, which is why the original approach wouldn't work.

You can do everything in a single @label line that uses Evaluator code to decide which label to use.

I’m not at a PC currently but can provide more detail later if it’s needed.

thanks, helps a bit.
@label: = return ($glob:BackgroundChanger_highlight) ? "on" : "off";

this works sometimes - when on the toolbar it is not updating properly, when tucked away in a menu it does update.

You probably aren't telling the toolbars to update after you change the variable.

@toggle:update if it's in a button changing it, or command.UpdateToggle() if it's a script.

Again, helps a bit. Thanks.

  • Starting the slideshow the label will update after the second image has been displayed.
  • Stopping the slideshow. The label will not update, but clicking it will update it.

Was hoping eventually for some sort of count down time left till next image, - useful for longer durations (24 hours, etc.) - though would mean continuously updating the toolbar label buttons every millisecond ? second ? minute ? and also putting some sort of return from PeriodicTimer() = time left till next event.

Sounds like you may be triggering the update before changing the variable instead of after.

Awesome got it working now, many thanks.

command = '@toggle:update';

after setting the @glob works.

The proper way to do it from a script was given above:

Thanks again, much neater and much appreciated.