Can you enabled something like...
@disablenosel:grp=Images to show button if files are in file type images
@hidenosel:!grp=Images to display button if files are not in file type images
These work already:
ok thanks...
Maybe you can add some info in help file.
The 12.3.3 help file says how to use wildcards with both things already, with the "type=" part that was missing from the root post.
(The page on wildcards says how to use grp:images and all the other wildcard rules.)
Leo, I want to hide my Compare Images button outside of my photo listers. My question is where do I insert the@hidenosel:!type=grp:images into the script? Thanks!
'This script will take TWO selected pictures and display them next to each other in separate imstances of the DOpus standalone viewer
'To work efficiently the viewer toolbar should contain a button called CLOSE with close every instance of the viewer and returns to the active Opus Lister
Function OnClick(ByRef clickData)
If clickData.func.sourcetab.selected_files.count <> 2 Then
Msgbox "You MUST Select TWO Files and ONLY two files",16, "FILE SELECTION ERROR"
ClickData.Func.Command.AddLine("Select NONE")
Exit Function
End If
ClipString = ""
blogbo = pathbo
For Each SelectedItem In ClickData.Func.sourcetab.Selected
dato = SelectedItem.create
ClipString = SelectedItem.name_stem
exto = SelectedItem.ext
pathbo = selectedItem.path & "\" & ClipString & exto
blogbo = pathbo + ";" + blogbo
'now extract the filenames of the pictures
totchar = Len(blogbo)
pos = InStr(1, blogbo, ";", vbTextCompare)
pos = pos -1
LResult = Left(blogbo,pos)
firstvar = totchar - pos
firstvar = firstvar-1
Rresult = Right(blogbo,firstvar)
totchar = Len(Rresult)
totchar = (totchar-1)
Rresult = Left(Rresult,totchar)
'Now display the images in the standalone viewer
ClickData.Func.Command.AddLine("Select NONE")
ClickData.Func.Command.AddLine("Show """ & LResult & """ POS 300,0 SIZE 400,800 NOUSEEXISTING")
ClickData.Func.Command.AddLine("Show """ & RResult & """ POS 670,0 SIZE 400,800 NOUSEEXISTING")
End Function
Click on the Modifiers tab above the script (where the tabs are Modifiers / Script Code / Resources) and put it in there.
Okey Doke!
I think a link of this wildcard page you mention showing info on grp: would be useful in the @hidenosel and @disablenosel sections as I also just came to the forums to search for the answer / create a feature request. Only the @ifpath @ifpathr section mentions wildcard patterns and links to it, but unless you're reading the entire page instead of just the section relevant to you, it's easy to miss this.