I have been exporting notes from Evernote to HTML. This results in an HTML file and an attendant folder with whatever attachments are related per Evernote note. When I do a search I want to remove the folders from the results. And would just as soon not have them appear in the folder view as well.
I realize I can do this with the filter bar (HTML) but was wondering if there is a way to set a default by folder or search result. I've scanned the forum and settings but can't find it if it does exist. Thanks.
You could either do it via Find Files > Advanced and specifying search clauses that exclude the things you don't want to be matched, or by setting up a folder format for the Find Results collection (assuming that's where the results are going) which filters things out.
Or specify Files Only on the Find Files > Simple page, or a *.htm* pattern or similar in the name field, if you only want to find HTML files and not any folders.
(Or via a global filter that hides the unwanted folders everywhere, is another option.)
Sorry for the lag in responding. This helps a lot, thanks. I am now using the Hide Filters tab under folder options. I put an * for Folder names in that panel and save the format for the search. The folder format can be saved for all searches of a context (whichever level in the folder tree) easily enough. Is there a way to save that format for all searches?
Again reason for my focus is that I am using Windows folders to replicate a paperless system I had with the old Evernote. So a lot of random searches by a smallish number of contexts and I don't need to see the folders. There are a lot of folders as I used the EN export to HTML option which generates a folder per note with an attachment. TMI I suppose but trying to be clear as to what I am doing.
The Folder Formats list in Preferences has a Collections format and also a Search Results format which can be used to change how all collections of Search Results collections work. (Search Results only applies to the Windows Search field at the top-right of the lister, not to Tools > Find Files.)
You can also use wildcard formats to match e.g. coll://Find Results*