Hide menubar?

Is there an option to (temporary) hide the menubar?

Like Notepad++, Firefox, Everything, mIRC:
pressing 'ALT' or 'ALT + letter' shows the menubar.
After choosing an entry, the menubar will be hidden again.

Or: right-clicking the window caption/title bar (or pressing 'ALT + space') shows a context menu with the entries of the regular menu.

Couldn't find anything (which doesn't say much as I am still trying to get used to the ways are structured)

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You can have a hotkey which shows or hides the menu bar.

Or have it hidden all the time and do everything via hotkeys (or other methods).

Or move everything in it into a sub-menu on another toolbar, or into the folder background context menu, so it's available but not visible until you click something.

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Quite a few alternatives ..

That worked! Good enough for now. Thanks, both of you!!

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I might just as well share how I did this ...
(Probably common knowledge; in that case for other beginners like me :slight_smile: )

  • Right-click the Dopus titlebar (or press 'ALT + space')
  • Select Customize
  • In the Customize dialog, activate the Keys tab
  • Click the New Hotkey button in the toolbar (or press 'ALT + N')
  • Select New Lister Hotkey
  • Fill the fields of the Command Editor like in the screenshot
    (I used Fn + CTRL for the hotkey as they are conveniently positions next to each other, but use your own hotkey here)
  • Click OK
  • Done!

Pressing the hotkey will toggle the menubar on/off.
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