Hide System Files

[quote="kenalcock"]Opus allows you to govern this in two places, depending on what you want: locally in the current Folder Options or applicable Folder Format, and globally in Preferences. The Folder Formats option allow you to show hidden/system files in some Formats but hide them in others. The Global Preferences setting trumps everything and always overrides the Folder Options/Formats option.

You can use this command button to quickly toggle the global Preferences option.

<?xml version="1.0"?> <button backcol="none" display="both" textcol="none"> <label>HS</label> <icon1>#filtersystembit</icon1> <function type="normal"> <instruction>Set HIDESYSTEMFILES=Toggle</instruction> </function> </button>

Read These FAQs:[ul][li] How to add example buttons to your toolbars and menus[/li]
[li] Understand and configure Folder Formats[/li][/ul]The toolbar button above uses an icon from this icon set: Opus 9 Unofficial Extra Icons.[/quote]
With the "Hide System Files" button, is there a way to make one that is opposite to this? So the button is not depressed when system files are hidden. So the button would be "Show System Files" rather than "Hide System Files"?