Hiding (filtering?) the Office temp files

Hi all, having just upgraded to v11 I've decided to start from fresh, and one of the things I'm after is a way of hiding all of the Office temporary files, the ones created when you open a document (eg document1.docx would have an accompanying ~$document1.docx), which is hidden by default.

Since I usually have hidden files on, I'm after a way of filtering these temporary files. Using global wildcard filters I can't get it working. I'm using (desktop.ini|thumbs.db|~*.*) in the global wildcard filters, but it doesn't hide these files. Adding the Dollar sign (~$*.*) hides all files, and using the extension doesn't have any impact either.

Does anyone know of a way of hiding these?

~ is one of the wildcard characters, so if you want a pattern to match a literal ~ it needs to have a ' before it to escape it.

e.g. (desktop.ini|thumbs.db|'~$*.*)

That's awesome Leo, it worked perfectly - thank you!

Hi, I also want to hide/filter Office temp files by default in this way, but there's not enough information here for me to go on. Can someone point me to more complete instructions? I'd like the files to be hidden but be able to show them by clicking the 'hidden' button in the lister statusbar.

I've fixed the posts above, which were not displaying properly in the current version of the forum software.

Filter patterns go in Preferences / Folders / Global Filters if you want them to apply to all folders, or into folder formats (Preferences / Folders / Folder Formats) if you only want them to apply to certain folders.

The general option for hiding "hidden" files (i.e. files with the H attribute set) is another option, and has less performance overhead, but obviously hides more than just the Office temp files.

Whichever method or option is used, clicking the hidden count on the status bar will unhide things.

Thanks, it's working now.