Horizontal Scoll-Elements missed in some cases


I use some "fixed size" Listers (see options) because i always have much different listers open this helps to get them better handled. But in many cases, the horizontal Scroll elements are missing this way. It's impossible to scroll wich makes the lister "useless" (i need to resize the window to be able to work on invisible elements.
If i set to "Set columns size automatic", then i get the scrollbar back, but the size is not fixed anymore what i want to.

For me, it makes no sense that on "fixed size" i get no scroll elements, these should be active independent of the size of columns. How can i fix this, or does it need a bugfix?

Scroll bars will be shown if they're needed. If you have the columns sized to fill the window exactly then scroll bars won't be shown.

See Screenshots attached here, Scrollbars are needed, there are more colums (to see if i resize the window)

You have set the columns to Collapse mode so they will never go beyond the side of the window.

Choose another resizing mode if you don’t want that.

So, "Reduzieren" (Reduce) in German is "Collapsing"? For me "Reduce" fully logical in German means "reduce it to the minimum >>given<< size" and this minimum is set right side next to "reduce". Seems i have another understanding for what it should do.

The column-resizing modes are described in the manual:


Collapse: Automatically sizes the column, but its width is able to collapse (down to zero width if necessary) to allow other fields to fit without horizontal scrollbars appearing. For example, you might want the Description column displayed, but not have it force other fields off the edge of the file display. Setting it to Collapse means it will only appear if there’s space for it.

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Thanks, i see now how i can solve it, and that i need to make an own setting for the special case i used the "reduce/collapse" for, wich made me troubles now everywhere.

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