Horrible failure on installing update

The last two updates 12.13 and 12.14 have caused several problems on my system. When updating I get a failure dialog box (Windows error 0x8000ffff) and DOpus becomes unusable. It is as if it is not installed (shortcuts do not work, etc.). But that is not the worst of it. It does something to my Windows installation so that I am not longer able to open the Windows Control Panel or several other Windows settings. The only solution I have found is to restore from an image backup (which, thankfully, I have). After this happened twice on two different installation updates (and it never has before) I am now no longer updating anymore. I have turned off updates. I don't know what I will do if there is a significant update.

Is there any thought about what could cause this error and failure?

If you turn off Explorer Replacement before running the installer, that should avoid problems opening Explorer and Control Panel if the installation goes wrong.

It's possible antivirus is blocking the newer binaries from being written if it doesn't recognise them. The other suggestions in Problems installing Opus may also be worth a try. Sometimes the same InstallShield issue can manifest in different ways, so they're all worth trying even if the error messages are slightly different.

Rebooting may also help. The new installer aims to reduce the need for reboots but they can still help (usually before running the installer).

Also, if Fast Boot is enabled in Windows (which it is by default, unfortunately), then pending file replacement does not happen if you do a shutdown and then turn the PC on again. It only happens if you Restart Windows while it's already running.

A screenshot of the error dialog may help tell exactly where it's coming from, if you still get the error and can save one.

Rebooting may also help. The new installer aims to reduce the need for reboots but they can still help (usually before running the installer).

Also, if Fast Boot is enabled in Windows (which it is by default, unfortunately), then pending file replacement does not happen if you do a shutdown and then turn the PC on again. It only happens if you Restart Windows while it's already running.

Can you explain this a bit more? When should a reboot be done in relation to the installer? It used to be that the installer ran and finished and then prompted for a reboot, which I did. The current installer claims to not need a reboot. What would be the best practice to avoid the problems with rebooting and Fast Boot that you describe above?

I tried to install from the download and not "update" in the program. I got the same error (and this time have a screenshot). At least changing the explorer replacement prevented it from hosing my Windows. But DOpus still will not install/update/or be usable. I did the reboot. No luck.

I'm at a loss as to what to try from the Installing problems link - none of those problems appear to be mine. Please help!

Completely unfixable. Had to do a restore from image again. I guess I will just never be able to update.

InstallShield's error messages are garbage, unfortunately. It's one reason we plan to replace it in the longer term.

Have you tried all the things in Problems installing Opus ?

Another thing that sometimes fixes problems is to completely delete the
C:\Program Files\GPSoftware
folder and then run the installer. If you can't delete it, rename it (or the files that can't be deleted inside it), then reboot, then try to delete them again. If you still can't delete it, then something outside of Opus is locking the files (maybe antivirus) or the file permissions on the folder are messed up, which may be what's causing the installer to fail as well.

I've replied to you by direct email with some suggestions. It sometimes happens (outside our control) that the InstallShield engine on a machine becomes corrupted and if this happens, as Leo says, InstallShield error messages are less than useful. See email for further details.

On the issue of reboot after install.

Install Opus has an issue that some files such as the DOpus Library and others are locked into and by the windows OS. It is not possible to replace these files directly. The new method if installing Opus updates allows you to choose whether to reboot the machine or close down Opus and install without a reboot. This process renames the older locked files into temporary directory, and flags them for deletion on the next reboot, then re-installs the files and reruns Opus. The files in the temporary folder still cannot be deleted without a reboot. A problem with the windows OS is the new "fast boot" option which cuts corners in the boot process (to make it appear faster for journalists :slight_smile: )and does not complete all the tasks (and is known to cause issues with some drivers). Interestingly (why?) there's a difference if fast boot is enabled between a Restart and a Shutdown and restart later. A Restart completes all the boot processes such as deleting flagged files etc but a Shutdown and restart does not. (Very stupid IMHO).

So if fast boot is turned on (which most sources these days recommend that you disable), you really should do a Reboot at your leisure after an install of any software periodically to ensure all the processes have been completed. With Opus, as I said we use a temporary folder for the locked files and a new folder is used on each install if the previous folder is still there. So you may end up with a number of temporary folder which has a limit, after which we will ask you to reboot to cleanup.

Best to turn off Fast Boot.

Hope that explains the new install procedure.


Thanks. I have turned off fast boot but that has not solved my problem. I also have not received any email from you yet. I would love to hear any suggestions, because this problem is frustrating.

Sh sorry! You emailed 'mailout@gp.." and that mailbox does not have a send mail option.

I've resent this under my email address


I don't want to bug you, but I have not gotten any email. Are you sending it to the email address in my profile (fred.greco@gmail.com)? I ask because I did not email to start with, only posted in the forum. Or you could just post your suggestions here. I would just really like to try and fix this. I'm concerned that eventually a significant update will appear and I will not be able to update.

Greg is the installer expert but, while waiting for him to get back to you, it might be worth seeing if any of the new suggestions I just added to Problems installing Opus might help.

I did a forum search and found some similar issues people had some months ago with older versions. They did not all have the same causes, so I've added each possibility to the guide as a potential solution.

FTG - Thanks. Apologies. The email may have been to another user. I assumed it was you.

I have just sent you an email to the address above.

Please reply directly to me if you have further issues.