Hotkey/Command to toggle the tab bar visibility

Opus is known for going out of its way, far more than other programs, in letting the user configure its various UI elements. One feature that is sorely missing is a command to toggle the tab bar visibility.

The tab bar going into hiding when no tabs are open is nice but being able to quickly hide all your tabs on demand (not via a setting in preferences) would be ideal.

  • This would also help with privacy and security. Imagine you have various tabs open and your boss is suddenly hovering over you, wouldn't it be nice to have a hotkey to toggle the tab bar and hide all your tab names? what if you are out at a café?
  • With the upcoming tab switcher(Ctrl+Tab) command, a command to toggle the tab bar makes even more sense

With Opus 12, I sighted and just put up with the lack of this feature in. Please add it to Opus 13. I cannot imagine another 7 years of this most basic feature missing in Opus.

There are those who will dismiss this as some niche feature (it really is not), so to make my case, below are software's you will find in Top 5 lists and they all support this feature, starting with Visual Studio Code - the most common code editor today:


Windows Terminal, a very popular terminal and now the default CMD host/Terminal from windows 10 and on:

Obsidian - A very popular writing tool and markdown editor:

Sublime Text - Another popular Code editor:

Vivaldi Web Browser - A very popular web browser (Chromium based):

And much more, especially tools that I use. To have this in Opus would be a dream come true. Please consider it for Opus 13.

- W.D Adams


You can hide the tab bar when there's only one tab open, but allowing it to be hidden with multiple tabs seems wrong to me. Nothing on-screen would indicate those other tabs even exist then.

Is the status bar able to show if tabs exist?


No. There is no reference to tabs, although there is a Lister and Tab States sub menu in the Codes section of the Edit Status Bar menu.

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Kludge workaround:

  1. Using existing or create two folders with impressive names and a few files with impressive names or even ones your boss knows about.
  2. Open the two folders on either side of a dual pane lister
  3. Save these two as a tab group called Boss Tabs.
  4. Place the attached button on a toolbar of your choice or a hot key.
  5. When the boss is around, click the button or use the keystroke.

Might want to create some other tab groups of your regularly used tabs.

Boss Tabs.dcf (354 Bytes)