Hovering over DO icon shows only 2 of 3 DO windows

I'm running: Windows 10 Pro - up to date with MS updates.

I have 2 separate instances of DO running.

I hover over the pinned DO icon on the windows icons task bar on bottom of screen.

Shows me the two instances - so far so good.

Then I start a 3rd instance.

Now when I hover over the pinned DO icon I still see only the first 2 instances. The 3rd instance does not show up

So you have three lister windows open but only two show in the taskbar?

Could you show a screenshot of this happening?

Are you using multiple monitors, or virtual desktops? Or any tools that change the way the taskbar behaves?

Are any other programs/windows affected in a similar way?

I have 3 monitors.

No tools that change the task bar behavior.

No virtual desktops.

Vanilla system.

I took screen shots but I don't see how to upload them.


2021-01-29_12-54-59 2021-01-29_12-55-24

Please show the whole desktop, since we can't see if there are other Opus icons on the taskbar or even the full titlebars there.

Turns out that after a more careful check that there are two Opus icons on the task bar .

One is pinned (at the left of the scree) and one that is not pinned (on the right that I never noticed).

I have no clue how there can be two of them - one pinned and one not pinned.

I always launch new Opus instances using the pinned icon.

Try unpinning the left icon, then pinning the right one. That may fix it, if the Taskbar is confused.

Another possibility is a script add-in is installed which is assigning some Opus windows to a different taskbar group. (Settings > Preferences / Toolbars / Scripts to check which add-ins are installed.)

There are no scripts (I've never used any)/

I closed the right icon (the unpinned one) so that only the pinned one (on the left was there).

Next, I used the pinned icon to start up a new Opus instance.

An unpinned icon showed up on the right. Hovering over the pinned icon only shows the two instances. Hovering over the unpinned icon shows the new instance

I launched a few more Opus instances using the pinned icon. They all show up when hovering over the unpinned icon on the right.

Very strange. I am pretty sure I've seen this behavior before but never connected the dots. I don't think it is new to the latest release.

Unpin ALL the icons, then start Opus and pin that.

I unpinned the pinned one, pinned the unpinned one.

Now all new instances show up correctly ... it no longer creates an unpinned icon. Hovering shows all instances correctly.

Is this an Opus bug? It isn't happening with any of my other icons.

It's a Windows taskbar bug. It gets confused sometimes, not just with Opus.

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By the way, Opus is one of the best utilities I've ever used.. by far (best thing since sliced bread!).. can't imagine ever going back to a vanilla file system explorer.
