How Can I Assign Right Click to a Keyboard Shortcut

Hello. I am training to become mouseless as much as I can and I wish to assign right click to Shift+Z. What is the syntax (code?) I should put in a button to do a right click?

You'd need something like AutoHotkey for that.

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Ok, I think I know how to do it in Ahk. Wanted to find out if there is a simpler or better way to do it in Dopus, but if ahk is the best way, then ahk it is.

Saw this in the forum before and seems to work.

function OnClick(clickData)
    var myObject = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");


#Requires AutoHotkey v2
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Right-click on what?

If it’s on the file display item with keyboard focus, keyboards already have a Context Menu key for that.

I ended up going with Ahk.

#IfWinActive, ahk_exe dopus.exe
+Z::SendInput, {AppsKey}

My Keyboard has this button, but my future keyboard which I plan on buying will not have it, as I am sure I will choose a smaller keyboard. Also wanted to have such a button on left side too, not only on right side, but I think i figured it out. Thank you.