How can I create a path+file name list of selected directori

How can I create a path+file name list of selected (sub) directories.

e.g. I select

and want to receive (not only the copy path+file above) - also the files inside:

M:\Tracks\Year_2003\Week_18\2 Indigo_Sing It, Shout It_(Syke'n'Sugarstarr)[Peppermint Jam].wav
M:\Tracks\Year_2003\Week_29\Jay-J & Halo feat. Latrice Barnett_Make My Heart
M:\Tracks\Year_2003\Week_36\Julius Papp_Le Deep

Is it possible?


Use Flat View mode.

The code below displays a printable report listing the complete paths of selected files and folders (and through recursion all of their contents) in the Source lister. The report will not list hidden files or empty folders at any level.

<?xml version="1.0"?> <button display="both" effect="saturate"> <guid>{8B3D2EEE-2027-45CE-AFC4-60683EEE6594}</guid> <label>Contents Report</label> <tip>Displays a printable report listing the complete paths of selected files and folders inside in the Source lister.</tip> <icon1>138</icon1> <function type="batch"> <instruction>Runmode Hide</instruction> <instruction>@nofilenamequoting</instruction> <instruction>:Start</instruction> <instruction> @Echo OFF &amp; If /i NOT [%OS%]==[Windows_NT] Goto 95-98-ME</instruction> <instruction> Title File Location Report</instruction> <instruction> </instruction> <instruction>:SetVars</instruction> <instruction> Call set "Filename=File Location Report--{Date|yyyy'-'MM'-'yy}-{Time|HH'.'mm'.'ss}.txt"</instruction> <instruction> </instruction> <instruction>:Report</instruction> <instruction> &gt; "%TEMP%\%Filename%" Echo. File Location Report</instruction> <instruction> &gt;&gt; "%TEMP%\%Filename%" Echo. --------------------</instruction> <instruction> &gt;&gt; "%TEMP%\%Filename%" Echo. Root: {sourcepath$}</instruction> <instruction> &gt;&gt; "%TEMP%\%Filename%" Echo. Date: {Date|yyyy'-'MM'-'yy} {Time|HH':'mm':'ss}</instruction> <instruction> &gt;&gt; "%TEMP%\%Filename%" Echo.</instruction> <instruction> Call Set FilePath={filepath$}&amp;&amp; Call :List</instruction> <instruction> Start /wait "Notepad" Notepad "%TEMP%\%Filename%"</instruction> <instruction> Del /Q "%TEMP%\%Filename%" &gt; Nul</instruction> <instruction> Goto :EOF</instruction> <instruction> </instruction> <instruction>:List</instruction> <instruction> If Exist "%FilePath%\." (</instruction> <instruction> dir /s /b /-p "%FilePath%" &gt;&gt; "%TEMP%\%Filename%" </instruction> <instruction> ) Else (</instruction> <instruction> &gt;&gt; "%TEMP%\%Filename%" Echo.%FilePath%</instruction> <instruction> )</instruction> <instruction> Goto :EOF</instruction> <instruction> </instruction> <instruction>:95-98-ME</instruction> <instruction> :: Script uses techniques not available in Windows 95/98/ME.</instruction> <instruction> </instruction> <instruction> @Echo OFF </instruction> <instruction> Color 4E</instruction> <instruction> CLS</instruction> <instruction> Echo. ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ»a</instruction> <instruction> Echo. º º</instruction> <instruction> Echo. º Sorry, this button cannot º</instruction> <instruction> Echo. º support Windows 95/98/ME. º</instruction> <instruction> Echo. º º</instruction> <instruction> Echo. ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼa</instruction> <instruction> Ping -n 3 &gt; Nul</instruction> <instruction> Exit</instruction> <instruction> </instruction> <instruction> :: End of :95-98-ME</instruction> </function> </button>


Seems like a lot of bloat just to print out a recursive list of files/folders.

As nudel says, flatview works fine for this.


Thanks - a shame that I - as developer - didn't have the idea. But I'm using the program for a week now and I'm still impressed ...


Hmm ..

is ok - but not so nice to use.

I also receive all sub-dirs for the current dir and not only the selected dirs.

But ok for yet. :wink:

Thanks ...

Seems like a lot of bloat just to print out a recursive list of files/folders.
As nudel says, FlatView works fine for this.[/quote]

Unless, I missed something you care to enlighten me on, I don't believe FlatView gets the job done.

Fuzi explicitly stated that he wants to be able to select certain subfolders, and obtain a list of their files with full paths.

So how do you do print that list from FlatView, with the paths to the files?

With my button, you list the main folder (Say your pictures folder) and select the subfolders you want: B-day Party, Summer Vacation, and Graduation. And in one click, you have a list open in Notepad with all the files in only those subfolders on your list, which you can copy-and-paste, or print out.

I made that button to create printouts or text files I could copy-and-paste from. I just downloaded SetClip a couple of days ago, but you could modify the same script to just add the information to directly to the clipboard, if you do not want to copy it from the report.

The script as it is now will not actually add the folder you selected, just all of the files inside of it. I'm working on a copy that will also include the hidden files. I can also add the selected subfolders themselves in the list, along with their contents. I couldn't quite tell if that is what you meant above.

In other words do you want A. or B.?

A.M:\Tracks\Year_2003\Week_18 M:\Tracks\Year_2003\Week_29 M:\Tracks\Year_2003\Week_36 M:\Tracks\Year_2003\Week_18\2 Indigo_Sing It, Shout It_(Syke'n'Sugarstarr)_[Peppermint Jam].wav M:\Tracks\Year_2003\Week_29\Jay-J & Halo feat. Latrice Barnett_Make My Heart_(Main)_[OM].mp3 M:\Tracks\Year_2003\Week_36\Julius Papp_Le Deep_[Loveslap].mp3


M:\Tracks\Year_2003\Week_18\2 Indigo_Sing It, Shout It_(Syke'n'Sugarstarr)_[Peppermint Jam].wav M:\Tracks\Year_2003\Week_29\Jay-J & Halo feat. Latrice Barnett_Make My Heart_(Main)_[OM].mp3 M:\Tracks\Year_2003\Week_36\Julius Papp_Le Deep_[Loveslap].mp3


Thanks a lot for the solution - I'll try it at home tonight.

Of course - B. would be the right solution. .. e.g. an easy way for a copy & paste into a .m3u or .ram playlist.

Based upon what you just said, you wouldn't want the hidden files such as Folder.jpg, desktop.ini etc.

My "bloatware" button above should work as-is for what you want.

I've found out how it works in DOpus ...

  1. Select the sub-dirs and press CTRL-F (for find/search)

  2. In Name Matching enter . (and mark search in sub-folders) and press FIND.

  3. The output or find window opens - click CTRL-A to select all

  4. Right click the mouse and select 'Copy path+file names as URI' - as long you have added this menu as described here [url]Commands to copy selected filenames to the clipboard]

I've added copy file, copy path+file, copy path+file as URI to my right click menu .. you can add much more so you can use it in the finder/output windows too!

Instead of opening it in a finder/output window - open it in a listener window - then you can use the menu edit/copy filenames ... etc etc etc :bulb: 8)

[quote="fuzi1968"]I've found out how it works in DOpus ...

  1. Select the sub-dirs and press CTRL-F (for find/search)[/quote]

When I select more than one subfolder, only the last subfolder selected is actually included in the search. Are you seeing something different?

You're right, I've selected 2 folders but the find tool has searched in all sub-dirs ...

it has just worked for me because I've selected all sub dirs :wink:

I should clarify, If I select two folders and choose "Search" from the lister context menu Opus opens up the find panel and I see both folders quickly scroll by and stopping with the last folder.

If I click a button/press hotkey with the Find command, it completely ignores which folders were selected.

But if you wanted to search every subfolder, then yes Find works perfectly for you.

I'm still happy with my button, which allows me to select the specific subfolders and all files get listed.

I can modify it for a file extension filter and things like that. However, I do not know if (through my script) I can get the paths as URIs.

anyway it's 6:21 AM here and I need sleep (been up all night)

I see why Ken's button is different than flat-view... but not why doing a search for all files would be different from flat-view, since you can only search ONE folder at a time. Flat view would have produced exactly the same results without all the clicking through the find dialog...

It is possible to run several different Find operations, adding the Search Results to the same File Collection, without clearing the previous results.

That would result in a complete list of disparately stored files, which could then be copied to the Clipboard as complete file paths.

Of course - but it's still multiple searches of 'one' folder at a time...