How can I keep the appearance order of multiple listers in multiple display monitors permanently

I am using 3 display monitors: in #1 I use one lister and in displays #2 and #3 I use two listers in each, so altogether 5 listers. I have set the settings so that when I start computer, DOpus starts automatically and opens all the 5 listers. But in most of the starts they DO NOT appear in the monitors in the SAME order where they were when I last time shut down the computer.

Example: I number my displays from left to right as #1 to #3 and same way the listers from Lister1 to Lister5.

Case 1. When I last time shut down, I positioned the listers in diplays in this order:

  • Lister1 in display #1
  • Listers2-3 in #2
  • Listers4-5 in #3

Case 2. When I next time start the computer, during MOST starts the listers DO NOT appear in diplays in previous order like in case 1. They might appear for example in this order:

  • Lister1 in display #2
  • Lister2 and 4 in #3
  • Listers3 and 5 in #1 etc.

How could I keep the order of case 1 PERMANENTLY in every start?

It should already do that. Are the displays always plugged in and in the same order/orientation in Windows, or do some of them come and go (e.g. laptop with a docking station)?

Does their resolution or DPI scaling change?

Thanks for your response, Leo! The displays are always plugged in and in the same order/orientation in Windows but the problem occurs anyway.


What exactly distinguishes the Listers?

By that I mean, how do you know it's "Lister1" in display#2 and "Lister3" in #1, etc ? What are you using to identify them?

I identify the listers by looking at their contents. What content was in which lister and which display the last time I shut the computer. If I understand OK your question...

Are you sure the previously-opened windows are being re-opened after a restart?

You may have Opus configured to open a different, fixed set of windows instead.

Check under Preferences / Launching Opus / Startup (and the other sections if appropriate to how you're opening the program).

I have settings like this. I wonder if any of them is "wrong" to reach my GOAL.


My listers in center display at the bottom edge look like this:

Layouts > Layout "250207" looks like this with these settings:

This is the way I´d like the listers to appear in display monitors right after computer and Windows start:
GOAL: Lister 1 comes to left monitor, 2 to right monitor and 3 & 4 to center monitor side by side.

Can you post a screenshot of when it's "wrong" as well?

Sorry. I wrote wrong in the last image: I have 3 monitors. The text in red should be "I want 4 listers in my 3 monitors like this". The left and right displays are smaller and the center one is bigger.

I did exit from DOpus and restarted it with those previous settings. Now the situation is like this:

Lister 1 went now to center monitor left, 2 > center right, 3 > left and 4 > right.

Did you mean this by "wrong"?

So it's the thumbnail preview when you hover the mouse over the icon that you're concerned about?

Those thumbnails don't correspond to any specific monitor, they're just the order the windows happen to be arranged in the z-order (front-to-back).

It also looks like you have a different set of Listers in the first screenshot compared to the second. Your settings are configured to open the last Listers that were open, not a specific layout, so I suspect this is why you're seeing unexpected results.

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All right. My "problem" is after all just a tiny issue and rearranging the listers in the monitors does not take many seconds. :grin: Thank you very much, Jon and Leo, for your help in this matter. I finish now this discussion. :grinning: Best wishes! Kari