How can I perform batch changes to audio fields?

I would like change the Artist field of a bunch of mp3s, giving all the same artist name, also similar with the album field. Is there any way to effect that in DO 8, with a single command/action ?


FWIW I use iTunes to do this but I know Opus will let you alter some of the tags. However as I recall it doesn't do them all.

To give it a try, select a few mp3's then click on properties, and in the dialog that pops up next, go to the summary/advanced tab.

At the moment Opus doesn't provide a way to change the music tags in multiple files at once. You can drag & drop another file onto the tag editor to quickly copy certain tags from the dropped file to the one which is being edited (see "MP3 Tag Editor" in the manual for info on configuring which tags are copied), but that still forces you to update each file individually.

For this kind of job, at least right now, you're better off using a dedicated tagging tool such as The Godfather, which is excellent (once you get used to how it works and provided you don't need WMA support), and free.

I downloaded TGF and and used it - good stuff - thanks!