How can I refresh the tabs with one Button


I use Directory Opus the very classic way with 2 columns.
And I have 10 Tabs above the left window and 10 Tabs above the right window.
This allows me to switch smootly to 20 different folders.
I have saved the TAB settings into 2 groups. One group is called "Left". The other group is called "Right".
After a day of work, I have been shuffling so much that my standard Tabs are no longer present.

When I press the button "Refresh All", then all views are switched to the standard startup View.
I wish that by using this button, also the default Tab settings are selected.
Is there a way to do this ?
Or is there another button or function that I could put in my button bar or in my menu bar.
This would be fantastic.

Of course you can go to the Tab bar, do right click and choose the left or the right bard.
These are 6 clicks to have the Tabs back

Another solution is to close Directory Opus and to start again.
But this is not want I want either

I hope you can help

You could add a "tab group list" button via customize>commands.
Then right click on your tab bar and groups>save both sides.
Now you can revert to initial tabs with 2 clicks. To reduce to one click you can add a button with this function

Go TABGROUPLOAD="Your Saved Tabs"

But there are more ways to load just the Default Lister.

Thanks for the help.
I now had added 2 buttons.
One for restore the left Tabs (Go TABGROUPLOAD="Left" ) and one to restore the original Right Tabs (Go TABGROUPLOAD="Right" )
Its a lot better, but I still wish I could combine into one button.

You can. If you want to keep two separate tab groups for the left and right, edit your button so it runs:


Or, if you want to use a single group for all tabs, you can do what OpelOpus suggested above. Save a group which covers both sides (using "Save Both Sides") and then have a single-line command that loads that group, as in his example.

This works great Leo.
I now have
Go TABGROUPLOAD="L+R" and this restores both TABS.
So, case close ... but I still have a question

You told me to add the text "OPENINLEFT" and "OPENINRIGHT
Now, I only have Go TABGROUPLOAD="L+R"
Should I also add something. If so, what command text ?


You only need OPENINLEFT or OPENINRIGHT if you're using two separate tab groups which each only have tabs for one side.

If you've saved the tabs for both sides into a single group, it's implicit that loading the group will affect both sides.

In case anyone needs it.

function OnClick(clickData)
	var cmd = {};
	cmd = DOpus.Create.Command;

	DOpus.Output("Refreshing all tabs");
	for(var eListers = new Enumerator(DOpus.listers); !eListers.atEnd(); eListers.moveNext())
		for (var eTabs = new Enumerator(eListers.item().tabs); !eTabs.atEnd(); eTabs.moveNext())
			DOpus.Output("   Refreshing " + eTabs.item().path);
			cmd.RunCommand("Go REFRESH");
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That does something quite different to what was asked for 10 years ago and already answered. :slight_smile:

it's great for Go initialdir !!! thanx!